Thursday, September 24, 2009

Student of the Week 9/21/09: Joshua

This week the student of the week is Joshua. He lives in Columbus.

Favorite Thing to Do:

Someday I'd like to be:

Something else about him:
He has 1 younger sister. He likes to play basketball!

Place I'd like to go:
Favorite Book: Spiderman
Favorite Subject: Reading
Favorite Color: Blue
Favorite Food: Hot dogs
Favorite Holiday: Christmas

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Student of the Week 9/7/09: Logan

This week the student of the week is Logan.

Favorite Things to Do:
Play golf

Someday I'd like to be:
Tiger Woods

Something else about him:
He has 2 younger brothers.
He loves video games.
Place I'd like to go:
the beach

Favorite Book: Thomas the Tank Engine
Favorite Subject: Art
Favorite Color: Blue
Favorite Food: pasta
Favorite Holiday: Christmas

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Student of the Week 9/14/09: Jonathan

This week the student of the week is Jonathan.

Favorite Things to Do: Play X-Box, Legos, and Power Rangers

Someday I'd like to be a : Firefighter

Something else about him or her: He has 2 older brothers, Grant and Matthew. He also has a beagle named Holly, and he has a Star Wars bedroom!

Places I'd like to go: Egypt, Australia, Hawaii, and Taiwan.
Favorite Book: Star Wars

Favorite Subject: Music

Favorite Color: Green

Favorite Food: Ice Cream

Favorite Holiday: Christmas